We believe in God's Love for the World,

Inspiring Faithful Innovation Through the Church​

Cyclical Creates and Sustains Ecosystems of Innovative Leaders

When leaders burn out, churches lose their essential witness

Church leaders are struggling as wave after wave of challenges hit us in 2020. Many leaders are exhausted and at risk of burnout. If we don’t create a new and better normal, we will experience the ongoing and accelerated decline of the essential witness of the Church.

Creating a New and Better Normal for the Church

Cyclical is paving the way for churches to innovate in new ways, and to see what is possible for the future. Here’s how.



Instead of rigid prescriptions, Cyclical creates flexible, missional, relational, Spirit guided and post-industrial frameworks that come from on-the-ground wisdom and praxis-oriented experiences.



We lean on Christ and we lean on one another. From authors, to denominational leaders, church starters, pastors, therapists, spiritual directors, business leaders and coaches, we work together, as the body of Christ, to discern the Holy Spirit in our various contexts.




Cyclical understands we can no longer lean on the formulas of our Christendom past. Instead we are committed to guide you and learn with you to discover Spirit-led solutions to adaptive issues that you are encountering.

"Innovation often disappoints in its early years, only to exceed expectations once it gets going"

Matt Ridley, How Innovation Works

How We Participate with God in Innovation

If you are church leader of any kind, you have felt the weight and frustration of trying to do something new. It can often feel like nobody is there to understand or to help. Cyclical INC is a community of practitioners who understand how isolating innovative leadership can be.

That’s why our response to inspiring faithful innovation through the Church is not to try to do more on our own, but to join people like you with our multi-tiered support scaffolding. Through mutual relationships, we have witnessed God transforming churches of various sizes, traditions and contexts around the world.

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Churches Started
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Through Our Diverse Ecosystems

Joining leaders as they discern and start faithful innovations.
Joining authors and artists to publish books, podcasts, and eCourses.
Joining churches to discern pathways for a more hopeful future.
Joining church communities as they journey through conflict to connection.
Joining faithful innovators in creating diverse cultures of innovation.
"Sometimes judicatories can spend inordinate amounts of time talking about what’s broken and disagreeing on how to fix it. Cyclical has helped us focus instead on our gifts and what’s possible. Church starting leaders and the communities they’re creating help us celebrate and invest in what the church will be."  

The Hon. Rev. Dr. Fr. Paul Rock

"Church Shapes is our attempt at putting a bit of language to the various shapes that we are seeing Church taking. The goal is not to box you into one shape or another, but to broaden our ecclesiological imagination by providing a more detailed language."
Nick Warnes
Executive Director, Cyclical INC

Church Shapes

Assessment and eBook

God is gathering churches of all different shapes in every corner of our 21st century world. And while there is no linear definition of what shape a church should take, there are certainly tools we can use to help us imagine a more diverse ecclesiology. 

Take the assessment today and you’ll also get a free copy of the eBook that goes along with it to explain your results.